Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Early Learning and Childcare

Early learning and childcare 63 Trafford rd rushden northans nn10 Abigail wignall sh40856/NCC assignment 1 pg1 Task1. 1 From birth to adulthood children continually grow develop and learn,if children do not develop propely they may be unable to reach their full potential. All young people follow a similar pattern of develpoment,however each child is diffrent and may develop at a diffrent rate. There are three areas of development, physical, intellectual,social and emotional. heres is a guide of how they develop for the following age ranges â€Å"taken from study book early learning and childcare†. -3yrs physical development by6months a child will:  ·turn their head towars sounds and movement  ·watch an adults face while feeding  ·smile at familar faces and voices  ·reach up to hold their feet when lying on their backs  ·hold and shake a rattle  ·put everythings in their mouths between 6months and 1year  ·move from sitting with support to sitting alone  ·roll ov er from their tummy to their back  ·begin to creep, crawl or shuffle on their bottom  ·push on or push against adult hands or furniture to reach a standing position  ·raise arms to be lifted  ·turn and look up when they hear their name pat and poke objects when playing  ·pass objects from hand to hand  ·look for things thathave been hidden or dropped  ·reaches hand toward source of food Between one and two years  ·begin to walk  ·sits alone indefinitely  ·feed themselves  ·push and pull toys while walking  ·wave goodbye  ·point or make noises to indiacte wants  ·enjoy a picture book  ·shake head for no  ·uses thumb and first two fingers to grip  ·crawl upstairs  ·stoops to pick things up from floor  ·begins to show prefrence for onr hand  ·builds tower of few bricks  ·holds crayon in palm and makes marks on paper Between two and three  ·Kneels to play  ·throws kicks ball  ·builds larger bruck tower  ·pour liquids  ·uses pencil to m ake marks and circular scribbles Newborn to three months the social and emotional development should be the child very depdant on adults maily mother for comfort,cuddles and reassurance and the child will quieten while the adults do so. Between six to nine months the child enjoys the company of others and begin to like games such as peek a boo and show affection to known people but shywith strangers at one to two years their social development should extend to play alongside other children also like to please adults and perform to an audience.They may become upset and distressed if seperated from known adults, a object can be used for comfort. By two to three years they should be developing a sense of own identidy and want to do things themselves and demand adult attention and can become reluctant to share be prone to tantrums outburts but also enjoy playing with adults or older children who give attention, and play with others same age for short periods of time. intelectual develop ment between 0-3years should be begining to realise others are seperate beings from ourselves and become more confident but do still require adult reassurance.At 0-3 months language development should be making happy sounds 6-12 months they should be making babbling sounds and begin show feelings by squealing with pleasure, crying or laughing to show enjoyment. one to two years they should be joining words to make sentances and by two be using 50-150 words and start understand conversation and understand keywords. by 2-3 years should be able to put words together to make sentances scribble on paper use several hundread words by three be joining in songs and be asking questionns like how? why?. Physical development at age 3-7years yrs  ·jump with feet together  ·walk on tip toes  ·go up and down the stairs  ·catch and thow a ball  ·climb  ·paint  ·thread beads on to laces  ·gain controll over eating tools 4years  ·throw with aim  ·use sccissors  ·hold pencil be able draw houses/people 5years  ·hop  ·skip  ·ride bike  ·jump from height  ·climb confidently  ·write  ·thread needles  ·do laces and buttons (Information found children and young peoples workforce-early learning and childcare 2012) By 3-4years their intellectual development should be as follows, able sort objects into gropus eg colour or size.Understand simple tasks given for example fetch a story book and bring it to mummy. socialy and emotionaly they should have become more independant and self motivated feeling more secure and able cope with unfamilar faces and surroundings for small periods of time. By 4-5years grammar becomes more accurate and their questions become more complex communicating better, able understand books as a source of fun and begin to recoginze wn name and written words theve seen on few occasions, be able form some lettering and begin copying shapes.At age 5-7years they should be handling books well and understand text has meaning, be able make up stories and regonize an increasing number of letters linking them to sound. development at age 7-12 years should be thye child being able to run,hop skip,climb,swing confidently, and start enjoying team games and may misjudge their own abilty before age nine. Social and emotional development at this age range should becoming less dependant on adults nad enjoy being in a group of people at the same age wanting to fit in with the peer rules. They should have an understanding that certain behavoiurs are un acceptable.Begin form close relationships at age eight also becoming more aware of own gender can be bossy or arogant but enjoy playing with others same sex but need adult reassurance and help when comes to arguments in play. Intelecutaly at this age the child should be able to read,write and take an intrest in certain subjects he enjoys by around 9, also be knowing diffrence tenses and grammar,read out loud but may need help tackling complexities of spelling, their vocabular y will grow if adults introduce and encourage new words and ways of using lanuage.At the age 12-19years is said to be the period from childhood to adulthood could start at age 11 and last untill 19-20years. Adolesecnce is a transition period where young people grdually detach themselves from their parents, and form a close group of friends. many physical changes occur at this stage in life, changing their apperance and bodies, coordination and strength increase greatly although every persons rate can be diffrent.Adolesence for boys usually begins later than girls, boys begin to develop sex characteristics like deep voices body hair and muscle growth,testicals and scrotom growth begins in mid puberty penis growth beings a little later but continues growing for a longer period of time. Girls begin breast budding at around age ten, her pubic hair will begin to grow and darken and curl also body begins to to become more round developing curves of womanhood, By 13 some girls can almost b e physicaly mature, also this is average age to bein their menstral cycle this can depend on the age of pubertal onset.By age 15 a girl is most likely to e at her adult height and may have a woman figure but her hips and breasts may become fuller. Lanuage development in teenagers may become imtating but that is there way of testing out there new found language and skills like sarcasam, their logical thinking ability is also growing and maturing they may ut them into pratice by debate either fomaly or infomaly.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Interventions and Organizations

When it comes to changing an organization it begins for every department and every situation of the business. However, according to our text book Cummings (2013) Ninth Edition, a planned change is directed by the leader and has everything to do with the members, (teamwork). The entire corporation has to be planned and very ready for change. This involves the very structure of the company. This will take many different task and the co-operations of all employed or involved. In order for the process to be successfully developed organizations need to address certain issues to operate effectively.We need to follow the four interrelated issues that are the key targets of the Organizational Development interventions. Now this assignment is too compare and contrast these four interventions, the first intervention is the Human Process Interventions: According to the text it is the human process interventions which are aimed at assisting the members of the organization to enhance their produc tivity as well as improve the way they work together at individual and group levels, (Cummings, T. G. 2013). My input is very similar; I believe the human aspects are â€Å"Teamwork†.People will be working together for the greater good of each other and the needs of the organization. This helps to change or realign conflicting problems that may occur within the organization that needs to change the way it runs. The first interventions are the Strategies issues: These types of interventions are designed to change various characteristics of organization settings. This is where the organizations will decide what type of markets they are competing with. When using this step it can be the most critical. In strategic issues you have to be aware of the methods of the environment.In other words you have to develop who you competitions are and how to keep up with the environment. Some of the types of interventions are applied mostly in cultural change and strategic planning et cetera, (Cummings, T. G. 2013, p. 154). The second intervention is the Techno-structural issues: This involves breaking the works into various departments using strategic directions, changing program focuses on technology and structure of organizations. In other word, the aims of techno-structural interventions are to improve the overall performance of the organization by changing the procedures, technology, operations, structures and roles.This may also involve downsizing. These involve the design and employee involvements, (Cummings, T. G. 2013, p. 155). The third intervention is the Human Resource Management issues: These issues are concerned with attracting competent people to the organization, setting goals for them, appraising and rewarding their performance and ensuring that they develop their careers and manage stress. This change relates to individual, interpersonal relations, and group dynamics.In other words, the aims of human resource management interventions are to improve the organizational performance by improving the performance of individuals and groups within the organization. The purpose is to set objectives or goals, monitor people by collecting feedback to ensure effective implementation, (Cummings, T. G. 2013, p. 155). The fourth is Human Resources Management: These interventions are change programs that relates to individuals, interpersonal relationships, and group dynamics. They attempt to improve individual or group performance as well as people’s working relationships with one another in organizational settings.In other words, the aims of human resource management interventions are to improve the organizational performance by improving the performance of individuals and groups within the organization. The purpose is to set objectives or goals, monitor them for feedback to ensure effective implementation. These types of interventions are designed to change various characteristics of employees, technologies, products among others by foc using on the organization’s interaction with the external environment, (Cummings, T. G. 2013, p. 421). Basically, the entire process takes an entire team of individuals support.This task takes a chain of planned actions from top leadership with full support of its employees to accomplish. Thus, interventions are designed for organization development and effectiveness. When comparing the four steps I believe that all four all great, but when it comes to my opinion of the OD intervention the techno structural would be my favorite step, because it involves breaking down the organization into parts and it involves the help of the all the employees. As oppose to the first step the Strategic issues I really like this step too because it involves some detective work on observing your environment.This involves knowing what your competitors are doing, their hours of operation, they discounts and so much more. However when it comes to both of the human issues it involves people our fav orite species. This issue involves everyone being a part of the same program and all on one accord. My motto is, â€Å"People using people†. The success of any intervention for organization development therefore depends on the capability (skills and knowledge) of the leadership and support of the employees participating in the process. Motivating and making all involved truly happy, doing their jobs.

Family Narratives About Child Obesity Essay

A growing interest in psychological approaches to the treatment of childhood obesity has led to an â€Å"increased demand for insights into the psychological drives related to the development of obesity† and to the motivation in families with obese children (pg 183). Reports suggest that childhood obesity affects both the physical and the psychological health of the child, and the family is the main cause. There is very little research done on how to prevent childhood obesity. Children undergoing treatment for obesity are dependent on both the family’s practical (socio-economical and lifestyle) and psychological (emotions and attitude) support. Thus, the purpose of this research was to â€Å"elucidate aspects of the family’s interactions and its understanding of who has a weight problem, of whom the family feels ought to change their health-related behavior (diet and exercise)† (pg. 188) METHOD Participants From November 2001 to November 2005, 100 families with obese children participated in the treatment project. The families were to include a 10 to 12-year old child whose weight was more than 40% above the weight-to-height ratio for children, and the family was willing to participate for one and a half years in treatment. Children were referred from school nurses, teachers or practitioners. Each family participated in a one-hour introductory interview, with only 53 of the interviews actually being completed. Procedure There were three analyses that were comprised for the research: qualitative (family narratives), one for the families’ socio-demographic condition, and the third was the â€Å"ways in which the various narratives are represented in families from different socio-demographic backgrounds† (pg. 192). During the interview, participants responded to questions: â€Å"What does your family think are the causes to the child being overweight? Why do you (the child) want to lose weight (What is the motivation)? Who is going to change anything concerning the eating habits in the family? What is the education of the mother/father?† (pg. 199) Finally an analysis of the relationship between the described narratives and the three educational categories was carried out, based on their percentile distribution in the sample. RESULTS In the first part of the analysis attention was directed to whether or not a family mentioned causal factors that may have influenced the child’s weight development (internally). Factors claimed by a family as influencing the development of excess weight that are clearly causal explanations were diet, exercise, and psychology (comfort eating, boredom, etc.). â€Å"Almost all families (91%) stated that they had played a part in the development of their children’s obesity. Many of the parents (59% of the mothers and 22% of the fathers) had experience in trying to lose weight by dieting† (pg 201). The dietary factors specified by families as having played a part in the development of the child’s obesity was overeating unhealthy food. The second part was the external influences: The family claimed to have had no influence on the development of their child’s obesity. Narratives belonging to this area of research fall into three categories: genetics, previous illness, and incomprehensible (the family had no clue as to why their child was obese.). All families had a short-term perspective on motivation for wanting to change their child’s weight development. Most of the families who also had a long-term perspective on motivation belonged to the two groups with the highest educational level. ‘More than three-quarters of the families (78%) believed their child’s overweight to be a family problem and that the whole family must participate in lifestyle modification† (pg 204). Half of the families (54%) felt that the child must assume responsibility of exercising. DISCUSSION It is suggest that more studies be conducted, mainly due to the fact that most of the families that were studied had relatively short educations. Contrary to expectations, there was no association between the parents believing that they had no influence on their child’s weight development and their feeling that it was the child alone who must act and change its behavior.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance in Literature review

Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance in Pancreatic cancer diagnosis and treatment - Literature review Example The first stage of the pancreatic cancer diagnosis is tumor detection. The tumor is not easily detectable and hence the increased mortality rate of the disease. The detection of the tumor is therefore an important stage in the efforts of treating and curing pancreatic cancer. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a process that enables the early confirmation of the pancreatic tumor thereby increasing the curability of the disease. Contrast agents are used in the MRI process. The commonly used contrast images are Gadolinium based Contrast agents and Iron Oxide nanoparticle enhanced contrast agents. The contrast agents allow for the formation of distinct images subsequently allowing for better determination of Carcinoma cells. The research paper looks into the role that Iron Oxide Nanoparticles enhance the magnetic Resonance in the quest for pancreatic cancer diagnosis and treatment. The paper is broken down to the different MRI and its contrast agents, Nanotechnology, Iron Oxide nanoparticles, and their importance in the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer and finally the effectiveness and dependability of the Nanoparticles in the curability of pancreatic cancer. The paper has clearly cut objectives, which should be addressed comprehensively throughout the paper. According to Zhou and Lu (2012), Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a powerful medical modality that displays the anatomical structures of the body. MRI is quite important in detecting and characterizing the diseased tissues in the body as well as solid tumors. MRI produces a three-dimension, high resolution and contrast images of the tissues or tumor and does not release ionization radiation in the process. MRI uses a variety of contrast agents in relation to the tissue or body part involved in the process. Over the years, since its inception three years ago, the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 175

Summary - Essay Example Ionization uses two radioactive plates that can produce either a negative or positive charge. The device is designed to decrease in current flow once the smoke enters the chamber and causes an interruption in the positive or negative charges of the device. The radioactive material that the air comes into contact with causes the air to become a conductor. This system works on a totally different basis from the Photoelectric smoke detection. As the name connotes, the photoelectric system works by sensing the environmental light that enters the detection chamber. The light that enters the system is scattered and triggers the alarm sensor to emit a warning sound in the room. While the light obscuring type creates a less intense type of light as it detects the smoke in order to sound the alarm. Owing to this comparison, I believe that the photoelectric technology is most trustworthy since I understand how light works. I know nothing about radioactive materials and would not be comfortable around that technology. I find it dangerous and would not risk exposing my family to its well known dangers. The NFPA 72 dictates that in residential occupancies, fire alarm boxes should be no further than five feet from the nearest exist and be only between 42 -48 inches from the floor. Both sides of the exists should have existing fire alarms in an open space of approximately forty feet in width. The distance between the alarms should not be more than 200 feet from each other when installed in big rooms or hallways. For visibility the fire alarm bells should be red except in instances when the wall itself is painted red. In such instances, the alarm bell should be painted silver. Just like with anything that must be installed, one must consider the needs of the environment before a smoke detector is installed. For example, in a tall, multi floor room, a beam smoke detector

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Research report Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Report - Research Paper Example In order to identify the factors that were affecting salesperson loyalty are investigated in this study. The marketing research problem for this study is to determine which intrinsic, and extrinsic factors motivate employees to remain loyal and dedicated to the workplace for a long period. The target population for the research is employees working as salespersons in the different aircraft companies to gain their views about the factors affecting their loyalty. The use of convenience sampling is made to select research participants for the study (Ryan, William, & Theeoblad, 2009). The reason to opt for convenience sampling is because of lack of time and availability to the researcher to reach each of the salesperson working at Boeing. The sample size of 1000 male and female salespersons is selected as research participants. The researcher has selected sale-persons specifically from aircraft companies with different working experience, age, income and educational background. The researcher made use of e-mailed survey questionnaires to gather information from the participants about the factors affecting loyalty to the workplace. The questionnaires were sent to the personal email address of participants (Tuck & McKenzie, 2014). The researcher made use of close-ended questions. The questionnaire was used to gather demographic features of the sample, as well as multiple extrinsic and intrinsic factors influencing employee loyalty to an organization. The responses were gathered using a Likert scale. On the basis of descriptive statistics, it can be noted that the majority of the males were working as a salesperson. There were 52.20% of male and 47.8% of female. When the respondents were asked about their highest level of education the results indicated that 31% were some college graduates, 25.3% were college graduate, 24.3% high school

Friday, July 26, 2019

John Paul Dejoria and his accomplishments Research Paper

John Paul Dejoria and his accomplishments - Research Paper Example While he was still in twenties his wife died leaving a son behind whom John had to now take care of. John tried in everything and all sorts of Jobs, but his luck charmed bell rung when he met Mitchells another US individual. Together they worked to bring on revolutions in history of hair color solutions. Their strategy worked so well that today John Paul sells his products internationally in more than 90,000 salons. According to (Forbes 2011), he is worth US$4 billion. And Visionary of the Year Award (October 2009). John is one the great nationals of America today, with a generous donator, he has won numerous awards. Today all magazines recognize him as one of the millionaires. Sender’s Name April 22, 2011 John Paul Dejoria and his accomplishments   Living a luxurious life, with 90 hair products sold in 90,000 hair salons all across the United States plus an annual retailing topping $ 600 million, is the guy who worked hard to make the rages to riches story. John Paul Dejori a is a US citizen who holds prestige in being categorized as one of the True Global Citizen that moves on from a no way citizen to someone who owns riches equivalent to millionaires today. Early life and Education He was born as the second son to an Italian family, the family which immigrated from Greek to Italy. He marked the history of the Echo park neighborhood of California with his birth on the April 13th, 1944. Belonging to a family who separated when he was the 2 yrs old, he was thought as any other regular child. It was not but the age of nine that he started selling cards and news papers to support his family financially. Sometime later his mother felt that she won’t be able to provide for the family, so John Paul along with his brother were sent to their foster home. The real learning of this son of the immigrant parents from Italy and Greece was hard work and consistent determination to work for his goals in life. Since beginning John Paul and his brother had to li ve a life of tiresome work and sleepless nights. John Paul and his brother would have to get up at three in the morning to deliver the folded newspaper as their part time job during studies for sake of support for family’s financial wellbeing. At a really early age he had to spend time in the company of East Los Angeles’ street gangs. He then had to enroll in the U.S. Naval Reserve still being a student of high school then went on to join the Navy. However, his efforts worked against the thoughts for financial betterment. However, as life would have it a brief marriage left John Dejoria a single parent with a young son to support. Then he resort to different jobs trying to make ends meet with no particular correlations in the jobs he was handling. He did everything from the pumping of the gas, repairing of the bicycles, working as a salesman for encyclopedias, dictating machines, photocopying machines and even selling life insurance. It was harder for Dejoria and he st ill was having a rough time. As Oprah Winfrey puts beautifully â€Å"I've learned that you can't have all and do all at the same time.† (O Magazine, April 2003). Because of his early twenties he was like as many other adults who consider asking help from others disrespect in their self esteem. This resulted in him being broke on many occasions. However, he was willing to give it all those days he was collecting Coke bottles and cans to fund them in for a few pennies at the to buy cereal, macaroni, potatoes, rice, and cheese or canned soup. However, no matter how hard the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Scandinavia myself Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Scandinavia myself - Essay Example to around 1700 B.C.E. As history advanced, this area gave birth to the more modern Viking era, 600-700 C.E. that we tend to associate with much of the civilization advances from that region of the world. They were a basically pagan people who began to experience Christianity in 829, but were not released from pagan practices until around the 12th century. There were many internal struggles as well as territorial conquests that kept the Nordic region unstable until around 1300C.E. with the emergence of three distinct kingdoms; Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. ((New World Encyclopedia 2008) Scandinavians today are a peaceful people who generally hold to their traditions and values, while being accepting of new ideas and people. They have a high regard for privacy, tolerance and discretion, while at the same time hold their individual natures with respect. They often occupy peace-keeping roles in NATO and the UN. ((New World Encyclopedia 2008) The official name of Denmark is the Kingdom of Denmark. It is a Constitutional Monarchy with the current Constitution established on June 5, 1953. It has Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches of government which oversees 5 regions and 98 municipalities. The Capitol of Denmark is Copenhagen. It has a temperate climate with slightly rolling hills and is situated between Sweden and Norway, above Germany in the Baltic Sea. (U.S. Department of State 2011) The people of Denmark are known as Danes and Danish; population 5,557,709. There are several languages spoken there; Danish, Faroese, Greenlandic, and German, although English is the second most widely spoken language. There are multiple ethnic groups including Inuit, Faroese, Scandinavian, Turkish, Polish, German, Lebanese, Iraqi, Bosnian, Yugoslav, Pakistani, Iranian, Somali, Vietnamese, British and Afghan. Various religions are acknowledged by the regions including† Danish National Evangelical Lutheran, which comprises approximately 81% of the population, Muslims, 4 %, and others such as Protestants, Roman Catholics, Jewish, Buddhist, and Hindu communities make up the remaining 15 % of religious faiths in Denmark. (U.S. Department of State 2011) Danes have compulsory education through 9 years, with 100% attendance and a literacy rate of 99%. They have contributed greatly to the arts, literature, music and ballet. Denmark established a Ministry of Cultural Affairs in 1961 to oversee the development of the arts and leisure activities including museums, libraries, theatres and drama groups. (U.S. Department of State 2011) The official name of Sweden is the Kingdom of Sweden. It is a Constitutional Monarchy with the current Constitution coming into effect on January 1, 1975. It has Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches that oversee 21 counties, 18 county councils, 290 municipalities, and 2 regions. The Capitol of Sweden is Stockholm. It has a wide variety of climates from temperate in the south, maritime along the coast, and subarctic in th e north; with mountains, lakes, and lowland areas near the coast. It is located between Norway and Finland. (U.S. Department of State 11/8, 2010) The people of Sweden are Swedes or Swedish; population 9,373,379. Swedish is the official language, although English is widely spoken. There are three main ethnic groups: the Swedes, ethnic Finns, and ethnic Sami. There is also about 14% of the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The life of Harry Truman in the context of civil Right Era Essay

The life of Harry Truman in the context of civil Right Era - Essay Example This was the true picture as well as impression depicted by Harry Trumann in the context of Civil Right Era (Gardner, 2002). It is of crucial significance to note that Harry Truman led America in gaining victory over World War II. However, tied to this are several of my major impressions relevant to his life in the Civil Right Era. Harry Truman was a leader of dignity, in-depth understanding, humanness as well as vast of wisdom. This was so conspicuous in the way he made his decisions on the context of civil rights. He championed of equality rights for all Americans, including the Whites and the Blacks. This was quite impressive since it enabled for equal consideration of people regardless of race, ethnicity as well as socio-political classes (Truman Legacy Symposium and Geselbracht, 2007). In defiance to the issue of racial discrimination, Truman employed racial integration within the USA military. This was a clear indication that Truman was considerate and wise in decision-making. He considered the pains both the Whites and Blacks underwent in the wars, thereby championing for the spirit of inclusion an d equality amongst all the American citizens (Gardner, 2002). As a leader of humane character, Truman espoused in his campaigns that he believed in the spirit of brotherhood and unity amongst all people in the face of law. He stressed the fact that any form of racial, political, social or economic discrimination could likely cause a state of political unrest as well as insecurity (Truman Legacy Symposium and Geselbracht, 2007). Such could easily disrupt peace and safety to all the citizens. This is quite impressive of Truman since he showed that as a leader, he valued peace, safety and equality amongst all the

Spyware Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Spyware - Essay Example In this scenario, spyware is one of the most crucial security threats that has caused serious challenges for the business organizations and individuals. Basically, spyware consists of a wide variety of programs that an attacker uses to observe a computer users actions, get facts and information regarding the user, and store this data in order that they can use it for conducting illegal activities. The research has shown that the major target of spyware remains the internet community (Ames, 2004). This report presents a detailed analysis of spyware applications. The basic purpose of this research is to present an overview of spyware, its types, its working and some of the countermeasures. Computer owners are confronting with such a mounting threat that is considered to be the leading one, known as spyware (Reuters, Feb. 9, 2004). Its predominance was evident by the National Cyber Security Alliance who anticipated that it is about 90 percent of PCs with internet connections being affected by spyware. Moreover, a Web Sense Survey in 2004 proposed the spyware problem to be majorly manifested in IT companies (92%, according to the estimation) as claimed by their managers. It is the biggest dilemma that most of the internet users don’t even find about the induction of any spyware application until and unless it has already been installed on their PCs. Spyware is sort of a secreted character that is difficult to find. Although most users have understanding about spyware effects such as PCs being sluggish, strange search outcomes and fronting more pop-up ads but it could be dangerous because of its secret nature. In the late 1990s, software programs were being used m uch for getting info about the end-users. And in early 2000s, the Dot-com buzz made its usage more rampant. Generally, spyware is such a software that is used to get the information about the customers illegally and convey that info to the third-party while it pretends to be the data sensors. It creates

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Research proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Research Proposal Example Since the causes of failure are not unique to e-business, and there could be more than one, it is not possible to evaluate all the possible reasons within one study. E-business has been growing at a very fast pace that firms need to remain competitive and innovative. E-business suggests a customer-centric approach and the business offers are designed to cater to different consumer needs and preferences. This implies that marketing of products or services through e-business is critical. Since there is no human contact in e-business, the marketing function gains importance. E-business is taken up more by established companies, than by start-ups (Amit & Zott, 2000). The established businesses would tend to apply the same marketing techniques and practices that they use for offline business. However, online marketing differs from conventional marketing. Marketing strategy hence could be one of the reasons for failures of e-business. Internet exchanges are beneficial not just for the customers or end users but it helps businesses to exchange and grow together. Internet offers a platform to conduct e-business in different models. These models could vary from business-to-business (B2B), business-to-customer (B2C) and customer-to-customer (C2C) and offer advantages over the traditional way of transacting business (Amit & Zott, 2000). The traditional offline shopping environments atmospheric elements influence approach behaviors as they can influence positive emotions like pleasure and arousal (Demangeot & Broderick, 2006). Online shopping environments are much smaller theaters of experience and hence require technological skill. However, online shopping can be a very engrossing experience and is of equal importance to the shopper and the marketer. It helps the marketer to understand the customer moods, behaviors and attitudes. Internet is free competition gone mad (Starling, 2002) but branding works to some extent to fight competition. Consumers are too

Monday, July 22, 2019

Shakespeares Othello Essay Example for Free

Shakespeares Othello Essay Othellos destruction by Iago is inevitable due to a combination of Iagos plotting and Othellos character flaws. Iagos cunning character in Shakespeares play has identified Othellos vulnerability through flaws of jealousy, trust, poor judgement, naivety and love for the fair Desdemona. Iagos pure hate for the Moor leads to the success of Othellos downfall through Iagos manipulative and conniving plotting. Perhaps without Iagos clever plotting Othello might have had a chance to communicate with and learn to truly know Desdemona before his weaknesses were ignited. However the reality is that Iago did successfully plot Othellos downfall and is simply unavoidable with the combination of both the scheming and Othellos flaws. Othellos love for Desdemona is so pure and new that the slightest presumption of dishonesty, planted by Iago, is manipulated and exaggerated to turn Othellos love for her into madness and murder. Act I, scene ii, 24-28, For know, Iago, but that I love the gentle Desdemona, I would not my undousà ¨d free condition put into circumscription and confine for the seas worth. He describes the greatness of his love for Desdemona and how he wouldnt give it up for all the riches in the sea. The greatness of Othellos character in the beginning leads the audience to honour him and convinces them he is strong enough to endure the evilness of his tragic fate. His greatness is partly if not solely why Desdemona fell in love with him, Act I, scene iii, 166-167 She loved me for the dangers I had passed, and I loved her that she did pity them. She thought he was a great man and thus she fell in with him for his heroic and strong nature. Desdemona is not the only one who admires and acknowledges Othellos greatness, the Duke, Lodovico, the other soldiers and many more. Its not only his heroics and courage that make him great; he is also very respectful, honest, noble and sincere, and these qualities truly portray him to be admired and thus great. However Iago sees through this strength and breaks him through his love for Desdemona. Just like he says in Act I, scene iii, 365-386, here he first plots against Othello and even admits he will be a great husband and so knows to get his vengeance on Othello through his  love for Desdemona. As mentioned previously Iagos plotting commences at the end of Act I, throughout the second act he plots and sets up circumstances, such as Cassios dismissal as lieutenant, to assist his revenge and scheming, resulting in helping him to gain Othellos trust. Othellos strong will and mind break down during Act III, where his weaknesses are ignited by Iago. During Act II Iago gains Othellos trust by making Cassio the culprit, therefore throughout Act III Othellos trust thickens, firing his naivety and his jealousy of Cassio. At first Othello doesnt believe Iago, but Iagos tiny thoughts and assumptions grow on Othello, who begins to suspect his wife of adultery. Othellos sanity partly withers as he makes comments on suicide, If there be cords or knives, poison or fire or suffocating streams, Ill not endure it. (Act III, scene iii, 388-391). He claims how he wont believe a thing without ocular proof until Iago informs him of Cassios dream of Desdemona. With this news the audience can see Othellos first outburst of a murderous inclination, Ill tear her to pieces! (Act III, scene iii, 33) He Jealousy becomes obvious through that remark and even more so in Act III, scene iii, 272-275. I had rather be a toad and live upon the vapour of a dungeon than keep a corner in the thing I love for others use. Here hed rather live almost in a hell and torturous life than to slightly keep his wife, tainted by others. Throughout Act III until the end, Othellos jealousy grows more and more destructive. He cannot talk to or look at his wife normally, he even hits her and Lodovico can see that he is not the same noble character he once was, Act IV, scene I, 255-259, Is this the noble Moor whom our full senate call all-in-all sufficient? Is this the nature whom passion could not shake? Whose solid virtue the shot of accident nor dart of chance could neither  graze nor pierce? Iago has this tremendous plan to seek vengeance on Othello and somewhat Cassio. It is obvious he is trying to create a hell and make all this evil occur, where in fact he just makes them seem real. He doesnt lie nor tell the truth, he tells Othello what he thinks, the worst lie of all, partly the truth. Act V, scene ii, 175, I told him what I thought, and told no more. Iago knew exactly how to affect Othello by power of speech. He knew that small observations would trigger Othellos jealousy, and then brushing them off as if they were nothing to worry about, playing the innocent act. This made Othello perceive things differently, with the state of mind that it was true and thus seeing and understanding situations in a jealous perspective. At the beginning of Act III Iagos observations and whispers first get to Othello and change him by the end of the act. He takes a psychological approach to make Othello question Desdemonas honesty and loyalty. Iago truly is the villain of this tragedy, the fall of the great Othello. With his conniving scheming he makes it inevitable for Othello to triumph, and in the process ignites all of Othellos flaws into a burning hell on earth, leading him to madness and murder. His love for Desdemona made him so happy and yet destroyed both hers and his life by the green-eyed monster. Probably if communication between the two was stronger our hero may have won, if he was not so trusting he may have seen the truth and if Iago had somewhat of a heart and patience, his time for lieutenant may have come, and this tragedy would seise to exist.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Issue Of The Tattooed Soldier Novel Film Studies Essay

The Issue Of The Tattooed Soldier Novel Film Studies Essay He also brings out the theme of manipulation of humankind, which is observed in the course of the narrative. Tobar also puts forth the argument that manipulation of masses carried out by the guerrillas result in individuals leading a destructive life in future (Tobar 14). This argument is supported through the development of the protagonist Longoria, as will be observed in the analysis. ANALYSIS Brief Analysis of the Novel The story of the Tattooed Soldier begins as a love story and incorporates painful and passionate narrative of the lives of two protagonists, Guillermo Longoria and Antonio Bernal (Tobar 15). In this novel, the author, Hector Tobar tries to bring out different themes as concerns the story of these two but the main theme that he uses and brings to light is that of manipulation. Manipulation can be defined as that behavior used by an individuals to get what they want without paying attention to other individuals feelings while getting it (Tobar 25). It can also be defined as utilizing and understanding any means necessary in acquiring what one wants or desires to have (Ibid 26). The Tattooed Soldier is a novel having the theme of emotional manipulation, whereby one of the protagonists, Longoria, experiences it as part of his recruitment in the guerrilla army. Tobar also investigates the consequences as well as influences of this type of manipulation through the protagonists, revealing the nature of how each character develops in the course of the narrative (Tobar 35). The Tattooed Soldier explores emotional manipulation by concentrating on the happenings of the Guatemalan Civil War together with the Los Angeles riots which took place in 1993 (Ibid 36). It is not always easy to recognize manipulation or when one is being manipulated as is seen with Longorias character. Once a peasant, he was recruited into the guerrilla army as a teenager, with the promise of paradise full of easy credit, free seed and free land (Tobar 41). This was the ideology given during training sessions meant for Guatemalan officers based at the U. S. Army base. Emotional manipulation is also witnessed with Antonio, who being a Guatemalan citizen, lives in fear of his life from the guerrilla army personnel. The guerrillas had mastered the art of manipulation by making the people live in pure terror; they exhibited this through bombings, kidnapping the rich and killing suspected informers (Tobar 47). Because of this fear and manipulation by the government, Antonio was forced to flee from his native land upon discovering that him and his family had been suspected of being informers and were being hunted down. Manipulation comes in many forms for instance, through aggressive demands or expectations, neglect, punishment, insults or causing terror to the intended victim (Tobar 58). There are also consequences as a result of being manipulated as indicated by the author through his protagonists. It attacks the very being of an individual leaving them untrusting, unworthy as well as emotionally needy (Ibid 61). This can be seen in Antonio more than in Longoria as he tries to survive in the streets of Los Angeles where he has become a refuge. Antonio feels untrusting and develops an overwhelming emotional need to take vengeance for the murder of his family (Tobar 66). He also feels manipulated by his government in that instead of protecting its citizens during the Civil War as it said it would, the government turns its back on them and instead hunts anyone suspected of being an informer (Tobar 73). According to Tobar as he indicates in this novel, manipulation also causes individuals to change inwardly and not for the best. As is with Antonios case who was once a naà ¯ve and peace-loving individual, his characteristic changed to that of being a vengeful, ruthless man who wanted nothing but justice, however possible, for what had been done to him (Tobar 86). An Overview of the Theme The Tattooed Soldier is a novel about love, war and poverty, all brought out in the course of the narrative. However, the main theme portrayed by Tobar is that of manipulation of mankind. During the training of the Guatemalan army members at the United States Army base, ideologies were offered to these peasants who were soon-to-be soldiers of the Guatemalan army (Tobar 112). These individuals were promised a paradise of easy credit, free land and free seed and by this; the peasants were connected to the guerrillas, keeping the Communist movement intact. Guatemalan army took advantage of innocent citizen by creating fear and terror within them. For instance, they would kidnap rich individuals, murder anyone suspected of being an informer and bombed cafes (Ibid 117). As a result, the lives of the Guatemalan citizens are left destroyed with their emotions, thoughts and feelings inclining towards the negative attitude as concerns the US government and the Guatemalan Army. In addition, Hector Tobar investigates the consequences because of the Guatemalan citizens being manipulated by the guerrillas through his protagonists. Antonio is set on finding justice and revenge due to the murder of his wife and son and his quest for this is set against the Los Angeles chaotic riots, which were also taking place (Tobar 124). Los Angeles is portrayed as a city full of gang members and participation in disorderly conducts where poverty reigns. The conflicts and riots, which arise during this time, are as a result of Guatemalan refugees and citizens feeling manipulated and taken advantage of by the United States government (Ibid 126). It this novel was merely about a screed against the American imperialism, it would easily have been forgotten. But instead, it brings to light the evil that mankind has to undergo in the name of finding justice and survival (Tobar 131). The theme of manipulation of mankind has been observed in a number of instances within the narrative. For instance, being a poetic naà ¯ve individual, Antonio falls in love Elena, who is a fellow university student but is forced to flee their Guatemalan homeland as a result of becoming targets of the government (Ibid 137). As stated earlier on, the government guerillas engaged in kidnapping and murdering suspected informers and Antonio together with his family became one of these suspects. Manipulation is brought out in this instance in that the reader is made to observe the fact that Guatemalan citizens lived in total terror and fear and were aware that they did not possess any freedom of movement or speech (Tobar 140). They lived in fear of being killed at any particular time. Antonio and his family become suspected of being student agitators. Another side to the theme that is portrayed in the novel is that of unemployment. During this particular setting, Los Angeles was apparently divided into two classes, that is, the high class and the low class (Tobar 141). Those of the high class status would find employment with ease and lead comfortable lives while those of the lower class status would bounce from one menial job to the next, as was in the case of Antonio (Ibid 143). After fleeing to Los Angeles, Antonio became schizophrenic, homeless and lived amongst junkies who used to steal food for him. On the other hand, when Longoria came to Los Angeles, life for him was apparently easier as compared to Antonios. This can be attributed to the fact that he was one of the members of the elite units within the Guatemalan army, therefore enabling him to have special privileges (Tobar 157). This fact angers Antonio who makes the observation that Longoria is able to move freely within the United States without much obstruction. Additional theme to the narrative by the author The author of The Tattooed Soldier is also arguing about racial discrimination though this is a minor theme as compared to that of manipulation of mankind. The chaotic riots taking place in Los Angeles during the time that Antonio was stalking and plotting against Longoria were because of the Rodney King trial. Rodney King was an African-American individual who was a victim of police brutality by LAPD (Los Angeles Police Department) in 1991 (Tobar 163). The problem began when Rodneys car was spotted speeding beyond the Californian speed limit on their way from a friends house in Los Angeles, where they had spent the night drinking and watching a baseball game (Ibid 164 ). His car was flagged down by traffic police and once they ordered him out of the car, the four police officers pounced on him with batons, beating him repeatedly while he was on the ground. While LAPD suggested that these officers were acting in self-defense as a way of restraining Rodney, the rest of the African-Ame rican society perceived it to be a racial discrimination act of violence (Tobar 167). As a result, Rodney suffered internal injuries and a fractured skull. In the course of the investigation, another trial took place involving a Korean American who was to be sentenced because of shooting dead a young African-American woman (Tobar 174). The individual was handed a lenient sentence and this further increased racial tensions in the city of Los Angeles. In 1992, the year when the narrative involving Antonio and Longoria is set, the four officers involved in the Rodney case were cleared of any accusation of assault (Ibid 185). This was the cause of the riots during that particular time. Antonio, being a naà ¯ve, average class citizen of Guatemala was taken advantage of by the government and forced to flee his native land. Once in Los Angeles, he became a victim of racial discrimination in that he could not easily find employment or a decent place to stay due to his ethnic background (Tobar 231). This factor was further fueled by the happenings in Los Angeles as a result of the Rodney King trial. Elements of the Text supporting the Authors argument The Tattooed Soldier is a captivating novel which provokes its readers to re-think about their ideas and understanding as concerns homeless immigrants in the city of Los Angeles as well as the victimized individuals in Guatemala (Tobar 239). Antonio and Longoria are faced with the issues of class structure and ethnicity in the settings portrayed in the narrative. Military strategies, human rights violations, emotional and personal conflicts and refugee undertones are all incorporated in this powerful novel making the narrative easy to relate with (Ibid 242). Certain elements of the text support Tobars argument concerning the themes of the narrative. For instance, the setting of the narrative is during the time when a major trial involving an African-American individual and the Los Angeles Police Department was taking place (Tobar 248). At the same time, majority of Guatemalan citizens were fleeing their country due to the guerrillas kidnapping, bombing and killing them on suspicion o f being informers and instigators. Circumstances surrounding the events prompt and manipulate Antonio into desiring to take revenge and readers observe the change in his characteristic from that of being a naà ¯ve, peace loving individual to that of being a rage driven individual full of vengeance (Tobar 253). Revenge becomes the sole reason and purpose for his quest to continue living and surviving. As part of the few elements introduced to support the authors arguments as concerns the themes, the readers are introduced to another character, Frank, who happens to be a homeless African-American (Ibid 259). Frank befriends Antonio who also finds himself in the state of being homeless in the streets of Los Angeles. Together, they move from one camp to the next, and after spotting Longoria in one of the camps, Antonio requests Frank to help him get his revenge (Tobar 260). At the beginning, Frank is hesitant as to assisting him in his quest but on mentioning that Longoria can be compared to Nazi, only a modern day vers ion of one, he does not think twice. Frank is also in a position to relate with current happenings during that period since he also happens to be of a minority group, living in a city where there exists racial tension and manipulation (Ibid 263). Moreover, the setting of the narrative is of two distinct yet similar scenarios, which are intertwined by the protagonists, Antonio and Longoria. Guatemala and Los Angeles are both depicted as being peaceful to begin with but ending up in chaos as a result of civil war and racial tension caused by the Rodney King trail, respectively (Tobar 256). Being citizens of Guatemala but hailing from different backgrounds, Antonio and Longoria find themselves in the city of Los Angeles in an attempt to escape from their painful memories. Here, they are brought together under different circumstances into the same plot of the narrative and the reader observes how each of the protagonists reacts to their present situation (Tobar 254). This new environment does not change the characteristic of either of them and they do their best to adapt to their surroundings. Both Antonio and Longoria are seen to migrate from one camp to the next but the difference is that Longoria is able to enjoy certain privi leges bestowed upon him due to the nature of his rank (Ibid 265). On the other hand, Antonio is left to fend for himself and try surviving whichever way he can since he does not enjoy the same privileges. The Los Angeles riots provoke the protagonists to become more emotional and are reminded of their past memories. For instance, once the riots begin, Antonio finds an inner resolve as a result of being swept up in the emotion, pushing him to seek justice by proceeding to kill Longoria (Tobar 270). Longoria also finds himself in an emotional turmoil after being confronted by Guatemalan refugees who recognized him for who he is and demanded answers to his actions while living in Guatemala. The general setting of the story is in the years 1991 and 1992 when Guatemalan civil war and the Los Angeles riots took place (Ibid 272). The story is also set in two distinct cities, Los Angeles, being a large urban area and Guatemala, being a middle class, small area. These two cities however, share a similar scenario in that they are both set during harsh economic times (Tobar 275). This has an overall impact on the protagonists who find themselves caught up in the occurrences of that particular pe riod. Even though they do not change their identity despite the environments they find themselves in, their attitudes and emotional status are greatly influenced by the surrounding circumstances (Tobar 276). The design or plot of the narrative in The Tattooed Soldier follows a pattern that enables the reader to understand the humanity of war. The narrative begins with a love story of Antonio and Elena, proceeds with her and her sons brutal execution by the guerrillas, one of whom is Longoria and ends with a street murder at the height of Rodney King riots in Los Angeles (Tobar 279). The author of The Tattooed Soldier leaves the readers greatly uncentered in that he depicts Antonio and Longoria as victims facing the same challenging situation in Los Angeles. This in turn leads the readers to setting aside their perceived hatred towards Longoria and instead makes them empathize with both protagonists (Ibid 283). CONCLUSION Hector Tobar writes the novel The Tattooed Soldier with the aim of looking at issues facing the society as a whole for instance issues related to class structure and ethnicity. Victimized individuals in Guatemala as well as homeless immigrants living in Los Angeles are brought to light and this enables the readers to put aside their differences and hatred for a moment and instead focus on experiencing mutual humanity. WORK CITED Tobar, Hector. The Tattooed Soldier. Delphinium Books. University of Texas. 1998. p. 25 307.

Islam in the Ottoman Empire

Islam in the Ottoman Empire THE ISLAMIC CHARACTER OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE â€Å"In what ways was the Ottoman Empire Islamic?† ________________________________________________________________________ Part I: Introduction: This paper seeks to make an analysis of the ways in which the Ottoman Empire was Islamic. It seeks to establish the relationship between the Ottoman Empire and Islam, the religion on which it was founded. Part II: Summary: At the core of this narration is the fact that the nature of enforcement of Islamic tenets in the length and breadth of the Empire kept shifting with time. Although Islam and the Ottoman Empire were inseparable, since the very foundation of the Empire was Islamic, the actual manner in which Islam was enforced in the Empire varied in relation to time and geographical space. The pattern in which Islam was enforced altered from that of a brutal version at the beginning of the Empire to one that moderated greatly as the decades and centuries progressed. In other words, the dispensation shifted from Jihad to Dhimma. [1] The nature and reasons for this metamorphosis forms the heart of the paper. Moreover, Islam in its unadulterated form could not be enforced in a monolithic, homogeneous fashion in all the centuries of Ottoman rule, because the territories they governed were vast and disparate. In view of this complex scenario, this paper, due to the severe constraint of space, tak es up only two important aspects of Islam that were more or less a constant in the Empire as it grew –the treatment of non-Muslim subjects, and of women. In these, an overwhelmingly large part is devoted to the former, because administration enjoyed greater primacy, while the latter is referred to in passing. On account of this dearth of space, a unique element of the Ottoman Islamic military, the Janissaries, is left out. Part III: Discussion: The ascendancy to power of the Ottomans took place in the backdrop of the waning of authority of the Seljuk dynasty, the dominant power of Asia Minor until then.[2] In the given situation, since the political situation was very volatile, and opportunity was afforded to building an empire to one who succeeded in this unstable milieu, what was needed was brute force to achieve these ends. The period saw a novelty –the formation of a band of savage and predatory men calling themselves the Ghazis. Fanatically dedicated to Islam, these warriors derived their authority from the Islamic notion of Jihad –Holy War. The earliest Ottomans were typical examples of Ghazis. This concept enabled the Ottomans, who till then had been an insignificant vassal of the Seljuk dynasty, to now establish their authority in the region. This is how the establishment of the Ottoman Empire was based entirely on a primitive interpretation of and resort to militant Islam. (Turnbull, 2003, p. 10) From these beginnings, over the years, the Ottomans displayed towards non-Muslim subjects a sense of tolerance that would put Europe to shame. During the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, when events such as the Inquisitions were becoming milestones in Europe’s history[3], the Jews found refuge in the Ottoman Empire. This was the predominant destination to which the persecuted Jews milled, and were able to practice their way of life without any hindrance. A Hapsburg ambassador in the court of Suleiman the Magnificent had this to say about the Ottoman Sultan’s attitude towards his empire’s non-Muslim subjects: It is by merit that men rise in the service, a system which insures that posts should be assigned to the competent . . . . They do not believe that high qualities are either natural or hereditary . . . , but that they are partly the gift of God, and partly the result of good training, great industry, and . . . zeal . . . . Honors, high posts and judgeships are the rewards of great ability and good service. This is the reason that they are successful in their undertakings. (Levy, 1992, p. 15) Reasons for the change in attitude: Some major reasons can be attributed for this benign treatment of these subjects. As inheritors of the pristine tenets of Islam, these rulers considered Christian and Jewish people their theological predecessors; on account of this, although the Koran was considered the final and purest revelation, the same Koran, the ultimate fountainhead of wisdom to the Muslims, also placed upon Muslim rulers an obligation to protect their non-Muslim subjects, under the covenant of the Dhimma. (Levy, 1992, pp. 15, 16) For this protection, these subjects had to pay a tax, and were required to live under some restrictions, such as acceptance of Muslim superiority, being banned from riding animals that Muslims rode, and being made to wear distinguishing dresses or badges. (Lewis, 1982, p. 5) Other restrictions included being obliged to build houses lower than those of Muslims, being proscribed from residing in the neighbourhood of a mosque, and allocation of the pl ace of dispute resolution between minorities.[4] (Gà ¶Ãƒ §ek , 1996, p. 35) However, essentially, as pointed out by Lewis (1982), during the course of their history, the Ottoman Turks outgrew their initial tendency to maraud and slaughter at will, and were predisposed towards building an empire through a well-knit system of administration that derived from the Koran; over the years, they graduated to retaining their warm relationship with non-Muslims out of practical considerations. (Lewis, 1982, p. 5) For example, in most of the lands the Ottomans ruled, Christians and Jews had lived for centuries. Where conversion of these people, especially the numerically superior Christians was impossible, forcing conversion would almost certainly have invited revolt; because of this, most Ottoman rulers decided that it was wiser to leave these minorities to their own religion. In addition, allowing them to practise their own religion also gave the administration much needed taxes. In this sense, the presence of the minorities was actually an advantage to some Ottoman s ultans. These minority religious groups usually were classified under a system of local administration called the millet. Literally translating to nation, these units were helpful in keeping the Sultan informed about the state of affairs of the minorities. (McCarthy, 1997, pp. 127, 128) As a result, although there were some infrequent tensions in the form of humiliation and derision, by and large, the relationship between the Muslims and non-Muslims in the entire length and breadth of the Ottoman Empire, almost throughout the six centuries of its existence, was characterised mostly by goodwill, making the Empire a medley of various religions and cultures. This contrasted starkly with the ghettos and exile of the Jews in Europe. The occasional strains that arose were more for economic and social reasons rather than purely religious. (Lewis, 1982, pp. 5-7) Women in the Ottoman Empire: When it came to their treatment of women, the Ottomans derived from the various traditions they inherited, and Islam was one of them. While the lineage was patriarchal, their regional and tribal inheritance showed up in various aspects of their relationship with women, as precisely described here: â€Å"the Ottomans did make rational choices and draw upon a number of traditions in establishing the imperial household. The legacy of acquiring women through â€Å"raids† most likely came directly from a central Asian tradition; the employment of polygyny, that is multiple wives, probably derived from Islamic sources; the Ottomans may have learned of concubinage from the Persians; and they may have adapted from the Byzantines the idea of securing alliance and treaty through marriages.† (Goffman, 2002, p. 40) Part IV: Conclusion: Islam was the soul of the Ottoman system of governance; yet, this was by no means a repressive regime. Contrary to the treatment of non-Muslims in most parts of the world that came under Muslim rule[5], the Ottoman Empire, the largest Islamic empire in history, (Karsh, 2003, p. 25) displayed a fair degree of tolerance towards its non- Muslim subjects. Whatever may have motivated this, the fact is that this speaks of the completeness of their evolution from the days of the Ghazi to that of a rule that had a generally salutary effect on the minorities of the empire. Overall, the Ottomans turned out to be a relatively far more tolerant empire than the Christian regimes of Europe of the same period. This perhaps was to lay the foundations of the modern Turkey as we know it today. References Goffman, D., (2002), The Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. Gà ¶Ãƒ §ek , F. M., (1996), Rise of the Bourgeoisie, Demise of Empire: Ottoman Westernization and Social Change, Oxford University Press, New York. Karsh, E., (2003), Rethinking the Middle East, Frank Cass, London. Levy, A., (1992), The Sephardim in the Ottoman Empire, Darwin Press, Princeton, NJ. Lewis, B., (1982), Introduction, in Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire: The Functioning of a Plural Society, Braude, B. Lewis, B. (Eds.) (pp. 1-32), Homes Meier Publishers, New York. McCarthy, J., (1997), The Ottoman Turks: An Introductory History to 1923, Longman, London. Turnbull, S., (2003), The Ottoman Empire, 1326-1699, Routledge, New York. ZeEvi, D., (1994), â€Å"The Sufi Connection: Jerusalem Notables in the Seventeenth Century† in Papers from CIEPO IX, Jerusalem Papers from CIEPO IX, Jerusalem, Singer, A. Cohen, A. (Eds.) (pp. 126-142), Hebrew University, Jerusalem. 1 [1] This blend of militarism and religious doctrines is best illustrated by Marshal Hodgson, in whose words the basic feature of the Ottoman Empire was that it was â€Å"a military- sharÄ «a alliance† (ZeEvi, 1994, p. 136) [2] Information on the early history and the structure of governance of the Ottoman Empire is neatly summed up in the following link: Although this site cannot be treated as a great scholarly work, it is a good account that can be used as a kind of concise guide to this aspect of the power vacuum in the founding of the Empire, and the relationship of the state and its structure with Islam. [3] The following link is an excellent source for a detailed account of the blood-soaked history of the Inquisitions: [4] On the subject of jurisdiction of dispute settlement between members of the minority communities, this author offers an interesting recorded instance, in which there is no contradiction about a situation such as this: â€Å"if Zeyd the Jew goes from Istanbul-proper to Galata to conduct business and if Amr the Christian, claiming (Zeyd the Jew) needs to settle a transaction, takes him to the Islamic court of Galata, would Zeyd the Jew have the right to state that he wants the case heard instead by the Islamic court in the neighborhood of Galata-proper.†(Gà ¶Ãƒ §ek, 1996, p.35) [5] An interesting case for the study of treatment of non-Muslim subjects in a state ruled by Muslims is that of India. The Muslims were the dominant ruling class for about 10 centuries, but this reign was far from even. Islamic kings’ treatment of the majority Hindus saw no uniformity, and is a matter of heated and emotive debate to this day in the country.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Restrictions on Guns for the Sake of Life :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

"Our cause is just, our cause is real, our cause is now!" cried out Mayor Wellington Webb. While watching the television news, I heard the mayor say this. I also found out that over the past five years one hundred and fifteen homicides occurred each year. Obviously the harmful situation involving guns is growing to new horrible heights. The news show was about gun control. If the mayor acknowledges that there is a problem, we as the citizens should also. Restricting the right to bear arms will undoubtedly make any community safer. However, to do so would take a lot more than just prohibiting the sale of guns. Many people, at least in my community, own guns. Granted, many of these guns are used for hunting, but they are still guns. The authorities would have to take everyone's guns away to really make a community safer. I believe that it would make a community safer because guns kill, accidentally and on purpose. Many people argue that they have guns for protection--protection from the other people who carry guns. They defend their possession of guns saying they can use their guns to kill an intruder. They also argue that their guns are used to hunt and feed their families. Although these defenses may be true, I am brought back to an incident that occurred last year where I lived. A father of a couple of the girls at my school was hunting with his son and he accidentally killed him. This is a terrible tragedy, but it brings us face to face with the reality that even in the most innocent of situations, if a gun is involved there is a possibility of death. Originally, guns were not intended to protect; they were intended to kill. Made for wars, they were weapons of war, in which they were used to fight enemies and to help a country be more powerful, and they are still used for this today. However, today we are fighting a different war. We used to speak of waging war; today we are waging war. This war is against people. Kids are killing kids on rampages through schools. Gang members use guns to kill someone that they just don't like, and then the other gangs must retaliate, which makes it a never-ending cycle. The intent of a gun, whether to protect (as many people say) or not, is to kill someone else.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Free Hamlet Essays: Hamlet the Anti-Hero :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Hamlet the Anti-Hero Hamlet certainly isn't a hero in this play. He exhibits many of his weaknesses that contradict other characters in the play. A hero is a person who shows great courage through his actions and one who is noble and self-sacrificing. He does exhibit courage in parts like when the ghost came and Hamlet followed it, but yet he certainly isn't self-sacrificing. He sacrifices other characters lives to benefit his chance of getting revenge with Claudius. I thought Hamlet was a selfish, self centered, weak and crazy person. How can you call a person a hero after killing friends and family in order to get what one wants? Hamlet can be a very smart and noble person but in parts of the play he exhibited actions that are completely opposite of the person he can be. He acted with a sense of madness that made me think he was actually going mad. He acted obnoxious and annoying to other characters in the play. Here is a scene where Hamlet is talking to Polonius and they get into a little argument over what figure a cloud forms. Polonius: "My lord, the Queen would speak with you and presently." Hamlet: "Do you see yonder cloud that is almost in the shape of a camel?" Polonius: "By th' Mass, and 'tis like a camel indeed." Hamlet: "Me thinks its like a weasel." Polonius: "It is backed like a weasel." Hamlet: "Or like a whale." Polonius: "Very like a whale." (page 161, Act 3, Scene 2, lines: 404-412) I thought Hamlet demonstrated his madness greatly here because it seemed like Polonius knew he was mad and just played along. Polonius didn't want Hamlet to get annoyed because Polonius disagreed with him. If Polonius didn't have any idea that Hamlet was going mad he probably would have said something about what Hamlet was talking about and would have asked him why he was acting like he was. Polonius also would have done something to change the way he had been acting or help him out. Hamlet showed many of his weaknesses in this play. He exhibited some of his weaknesses in the choices he makes and the actions he does. He acts before he thinks, in other words he makes a move before he sits and thinks about it. Like the scene when Hamlet killed Polonius.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Harry Martinson’s Views from a Tuft of Grass Essay

Harry Martinson’s Views from a Tuft of Grass is one literary piece that deals with nature- its innate beauty and the special bond humans have with nature. The book contains several essays and a poem, and all of these explore the subject of the natural world around us admirably well. Through his vivid imagery and skillful use of words, Martinson takes the reader into his colorful and inviting world. Undoubtedly, valuing nature is one of the book’s major themes. Martinson makes his readers aware of the significance of nature to a person’s life. In one essay entitled Summer Reflections, he tells of his own longing for the summer season as opposed to that of a person coming from the tropics. He says that people who come from arctic or semi-artic places are more aware of the summer and that the word â€Å"summer† holds more meaning to them than for those who come from the opposite part of the earth. He tells this with such clarity and directness that one cannot help but feel the same longing for the heat and colors brought about by the summer. He makes us understand nature more by taking us to a beautiful world that sadly, often goes unnoticed and unappreciated. Through his illustrative essays we are implored to be more appreciative and aware of the natural wonders we have. Another literary theme that is implied in this book is the significant place folktales hold in shaping an author’s writing style. Martinson gives importance to these childhood stories. A spellbinding storyteller himself, he mentions folktales that he, as a Swedish child, believed in. He said that folktales invariably decide what kind of a storyteller an author would be. And through this, we would know what the author’s sense of personal aesthetic is. â€Å"MAJOR THEMES OF VIEWS FROM A TUFT OF GRASS† PAGE # 2 In his essay On Nature Writing, the importance of science is the major theme explored. The author implied that reality and imagination must be entwined before we can accurately paint nature’s innate beauty though words. Science, poetry and nature should be woven together so as to achieve perfection in writing. He said that we should combine scientific knowledge with artistry in order to capture the true mysteries as well as the aesthetic value of nature. One cannot go without the other- both are equally essential tools in nature writing. He gives advice to writers to be more sensitive and to challenge the power of words usually used to describe nature. He insists that writers should be more insightful so as to paint a clearer and more beautiful depiction of nature. In another essay, Martinson believes that the map is a significant piece of nature scientifically drawn into a piece of paper. He asserts that the map is a work of art and must be given importance too. Definitely, Martinson wants to give importance to science with respect to nature as explored in his essays. Truly, Martinson’s Views from a Tuft of Grass is an adorable work of art. It uses a very different approach to nature writing. It explores the subtle territories between nature and the factors that affect a writer’s depiction of it. Very few writers can achieve what Martinson has achieved: he has not only succeeded in beautifully illustrating nature through words, creating wonderful prose, but he has also succeeded in provoking significant, if not stirring, thoughts and memories in his readers. He makes his readers realize that we, as humans, are but a dot in the vast and varied environment around us. Humbling and even belittling, but very thought provoking. REFERENCE Martinson, Harry, Anderson, Erland, and Lars Nordstrom. Views from a Tuft of Grass. Los Angeles, California: Green Integer Books, 2005.

Land Use Changes

1. 0 INTRODUCTION 2. 1 BACKGROUND OF THE adopt The trend in plaza development is non bargonly unconnected with the extendd aw arness in making the highest and best social occasion of solid ground resources among competing implements. According to Balowe (1978) the term acres a great deal mean diffe learn things depending upon the content in which it is utilised and the circumstances under which it is considered. background takes a fundamental significance as a commodity in periodic role for multi-various inclination over the eld it has influenced and continues to influence the daily lives of Nigerians as verbalised in social, economic and political arrangement of various communities in Nigeria. However, the retention grocery store is an economic utensil rationing field between competing and occasion bothy impertinent personas. The mechanism is often modified by postulate and local regime policies at bottom the mise en scene of town planning, social call for and the diffusion of income and wealth.As a means of everyocating rural bea between variant uses, the bullionmaking(prenominal)ise has been criticized to be inefficient because it fails to quickly meet up with the urban let down uses particularly in the under-highly-developed world. In an modification magnitude cosmopolitan urban center the same(p)s of Lagos, the convey Town supplying and the sensitive Town increase office faces an uphill lying-in of responding to the need for a total re-zoning of some occupantial layout like Lekki flesh 1 with a project of increasing the determine of private and economic play uses.The greater the handiness of a localisation of function, the lower the economic cost of sweat in terms of distance, clock and wash mode the greater the comparative advantage and the greater the take for topographic point in the location. The increasing demand and the decreasing supply of mercenary-grade properties atomic number 1 8 exerting some pass judgment obligate on residential properties in Lagos.Furtherto a greater extent, the niggardliness to transport facilities like bus stations, peeing /sea commissions, motorways, good road internet services, facilities such(prenominal) as mercenary message banks, merchandiser bank, closeness to beas like Victoria Is bolt down, Oniru, Ikoyi, Lekki- Epe expressway and aras on Lagos is vote down where majority of the business activities takes direct in Lagos and excessively its proximity to mellow income housing has do this eye socket of study(Admiralty way Lekki phase1) more attracting, handy and indeed more profitable for citing of commercial enterprises.This var. of accessibility is gradually modifying the pattern of Land-use, which is concomitant with the pattern of knowledge base abide bys in Lekki. frankincense users are able to put the web site to its more or less productive use, would be nimble to pay the highest price or rent to ac quire the developed piazza. The revision of residential into commercial knowledge base use along the major roads of to the highest degree giving medication residential layouts in Lagos state has bring so inevitable that quite a little are no longer patient full to wait for the approval of the Planning chest of drawers.With or without approval or rezoning, offices, schools, churches, eateries, retail outlet, compositors case centers etc are spring up in the study area in rejoinder to the need for them. The effect of such changes on the topographic point treasures, its viability and the societal impact of this phenomenon on the area of study (Admiralty Way Lekki Phase1) are the back ground upon which this dissertation is based. 2. 2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Land resources tends to consort to users who bid for the most for their control and to those uses that offers the highest open for their practice session.The value of a residential property go away most likely increase when it is partly or wholly changed to commercial use. Those issues that come to mind are as hold fasts 1. What factors are responsible for the change in use from residential to commercial use in the study area? 2. What are the societal vices in the neighourhood? 3. What are the nonrecreational imputes from the Lagos severalize Town Planning trust and the New Town Planning Authority that are in charge of Lekki bloc? 4.What will be the effect of this change in use on the values of properties in the study area? 5. What is the profitability of such changes and should it be encourage or not? This dissertation attempts to rear answers to the in a higher place questions with a view to attract the above reactions of the New Town Development Authority, lieu Developers, consume Surveyors, Land Owners and Tenant towards a better understanding of the dynamics of area use and value in a degraded exploitation urban center like Lagos. 2. PURPOSE OF THE see As express earlier, the purpose of this study is to proffer declaration to the problem outlined in fragment 1. 2 above and in doing so I shall critically examine the contemporaries and impact of change in use in property values in low niggardness layout (Admiralty Way Lekki Phase1). I shall examine how transfer of land to its most profitable use is often prevent by factors such as a) The infirm knowledge of buyers and sellers of the use to which the given property can be put. ) The importance of comme il faut zoning area for commercial activities within government estate c) The time- absorbing and dearly-won process of seeking and getting impertinent locations. d) The cost and legal complexity of acquiring properties e) The monopoly power of Town Planning and New Town Development Authorities. In conclusion, I shall establish if the ever increasing incidence of change in use should be encouraged by government. 2. 4 importation OF THE STUDYThe outcome of this study is expected to create awaren ess for Lagos state administration with New Town Development Authorities and attract positive reactions from the Lagos province presidential term Property Development Commission, demesne regardors, Landlords etc in the beneficial consumption of the dynamic of land use and land values in the fast outgrowth city of Lagos , whilst the authority prepare itself for the task of development control, the property possessors and occupiers will in like manner plan strategies of reaping the benefit or differently of the phenomenon of change- in use. 2. SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF STUDY There are numerous residential properties within the Phase1 of Lekki peninsular whose use afford been changed from residential to commercial uses hardly referable to time and limitation of news shows allowed for this thesis, this keep open up will focus on the effect of change in land use in the value of Government Estate on Admiralty Way Lekki Phase1 Lagos. 2. 6 THE STUDY AREA Admiralty way Lekki phase 1 is integrity of the Lagos State Government residential Scheme under Eti-Osa topical anesthetic Government, is an exclusively reserved low density residential area in Lagos.This Layout is convenient in very heart of the parole and enjoys raw material infrastructure such as good roads, water, electricity, telephone etc. It is accessible vide Lekki- Epe Express waywith headspring pose out internal roads and eyeshade hedges in wide set- backs. It has a redundant topography with good drainage and the set-backs in most properties are adorned with beautiful flowers. roughly courtyards in the layout are paved. The posh grammatical constructions are of unique architectural design and inviting prospect ion this layout maintains an appreciable degree of quietness.Most buildings are owner occupiers belonging to Elder State Men, Top Civil Servants and successful businessmen and Women. The average size of a darn of land in this Layout is 800 square metres. 2. 7 RESEARCH METH ODOLOGY The main agent of data collection for this research was through primary and tributary sources. The primary sources of data involve a field survey of the study area. It includes direct reflexion by the researcher and oral interviews with property owners and occupants.The secondary source includes facts, which were obtained from previous documented sources such as text books, journals, seminar papers and unpublished dissertations. This helps to establish the theoretical foundation of this study. CHAPTER cardinal 2. 0 REVIEW OF RELATED LITEATURE 3. 8 THE CONCEPT OF CHANGE-IN USE According to Balowe (1965) property development is not a one-for all time affairs, but a uninterrupted one. This means that property development is dynamic. It calls for enrollment to changing demand and changing technology toward satisfying the needs of a particular segment of users.Lee (1974) argues that changes occurring over time in the use of a neighbourhood, that maturement of the residen ts and the growth and maturity of their children will in conclusion cause a turnover in the ownership of housing. Smith and Mccann (1981) argues that residential land uses succession theory is permeated by the tone Cycle ideals of social ecology but the leading succession models offer conflicting interpretations of the sequence of change that residential areas are believed to pass through. They stress that models exact not been substituted by analysis of the complete land use histories of all site in areas of change.Therefore, in their study of Edmonton, from 1961 to 1971, the study shows that manners cycle concept has little value as an explanation of residential change in rapidly growing city like Lagos. A study by global environmental changes (2010) supports the conclusion that incomplete population nor poverty alone represent the sole and major underlying causes of land use change widely distributed. Rather, multitudes responses to economic opportunities and constraints for new land uses are created by local as well as national markets and policies. Therefore, global forces give way the main determents of land-use changes as they amplify local factors.However, Ball et all (1998) argues that when land value rise land owners re contain land for commercial development and also shows the land owners rationality. 3. 9 THE MEANING OF PROPERTY value The word Value does not have a specific and restricted meaning as it may mean different thing to different people. In the delivery of justice Brandies (1923) Value is a word of many meanings. The royal Institution of Charted Surveyor (RICS) also define value in the future(a) terms the best price of which an intimacy in property might fair be expected to be exchange by private treaty at the date of valuation assuming a) A willing seller ) A liable period in which to negotiate the sale, pickings into account the nature of the property and the state of the market. c) Values will remain unruffled througho ut the period d) The property will be freely exposed to the market e) No account is to be of an extra bid by a limited purchaser As a prove of Nigerias Colonial affiliation with not bad(p) Britain the above definition by the gallant Institution of Chartered Surveyors is adopted by the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIESV) 3. 0 THE CONCEPT OF RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL USES Residential land use has been the oldest and fundamental among all land uses because shelter is one of the basic needs of man. Hornby (1980) defined residential use as serving or use as residence in which one resides. Residential use are hence regain in an area districtd mainly for accompaniment accommodation with some place commercial centers to sell good and constitute services needed by the mob that reside in that area.Whist commercial use is a use involving the purchase and selling of goods and services and for which profit is realized. It encompasses office, shops and is a predominant urban feature, which tends to be located at areas of greater accessibility from the city center. Lagos State has been a fast growing developing city like any other major city in Nigeria experience stiff competitions in land uses, particularly the demand of commercial users in fast encroaching and outstripping the effective demand for residential use thus creating imbalance for zoned residential neighourhood. . 11 FACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR passage OF RESIDENTIAL USES TO COMMERCIAL USES IN THE STUDY AREA Practical observation as found in different cities in Nigeria indicates the economic factors, social factors, physical factors and high competitiveness in land utilization within the commercial nerve centres which results to uncompetitive users seeking for space within the zone of transition are contributors to the change in use of land use patterns. some other notable factors include 3. 2. 1 race INCREASE Lagos State is one of the fast growing city in Nigeria with the location of International Airport and Seaport which attracts people from various part of the country and worldwide and directly increases the total population of the people living in the city and thus the total number of people living in Lekki peninsular phase 1 which is one of the medium housing Estate by Lagos State government which was meant to provide sufficient accommodation for people.However, collect to day to day increases in population and the paucity of sufficient accommodation to house them in commercial, industrial, education institution etc and in army to settle down and seek their living, property owners are fast converting most residential units in Lekki phase 1(Admiralty way) into commercial units. A drive down the way shows a drastic change from the vulgar resident units along the road to huge commercial outlet. 3. 12. 2 INSURFICIENT COMMERCIAL CENTRES An overtime observation shows that availability of commercial center along this way and axis around same was no t enough to cater for the needs of the residence.In view of this, commercial centres were developed to meet the daily need of the residents but at a point due to development policies, high cost of development, non- availability of land area and land owner rationality, residential property owners tends to give room for conversion of their developed residential property to commercial property. 3. 12. 3 ECONOMIC upgrade Since commercializing properties yield more returns than residential use and due to property owners rationality, they prefer the commercial users by giving face get up to the fabrics of their building through extension, refurbishments, alterations, modifications. tc. These improvements attract commercial users to take advantage of the new structures by paying the newly negotiated rents to occupy them. The rents are luring, so other property owners follow suit and conversion become the consecrate of the day on Admiralty way Lekki Phase1. 3. 12. 4 LOCATION Admiralty wa y Lekki Phase 1 is an easily accessible way in Lekki Peninsular and to other islands were most major commercial activities takes place in Lagos State and due to this, commercial centres tends to inflate their activities to the study area in parliamentary law to move closer to their consumers and workers who resides in this axis.This made property owners to convert their residential properties for commercial uses since the location is well accessed to various routes of grounds within the axis. 3. 12. 5 HIGH personify OF CONSTURCTING COMMERCIAL BUILDING Construction of purpose built commercial building usual cost a lot of money due to the high cost of building materials and ever increasing Land value. qualifying by the concept of highest and best use of property, property owners in the study area now prefer to convert their residential property to commercial properties or lease it out.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Advanced Criminology

Anthropological re attend information has shown the violence is an inherent conduct among the pre recent(a) species (Walker, 2001). In confederation, savage violence is a common occurrence and legislators have suggested that the carriage of whit miserable-scales be analyzed in hostel to identify whatever psychological patterns that ar consistent among these particular types of man-to-mans.In the past a couple of(prenominal) decades, neurobiologists have proposed that an case-by-cases delineate, which encom laissez passeres empathy, righteousness and free leave croup, is holistically invited by the frequency of stimulant and assembly of the neurons of an someone. much(prenominal)(prenominal) nonion is mutually exclusive to the judgment of Cartesian dualism, which states that the fountainhead and the heed atomic form 18 two independent entities that consecrate with each otherwise.To date, the accumulation of research reports from the rooking field of n euroscience is gradually affecting the archetypes and effectivity of the nicety system because of the shifting in the fantasy of humans demeanour and resolving power to dis alike(p) stimuli. Neuroscience has influenced our menses understanding of the multiple factors that influence violent behavior among poisonouss.NATURE VERSUS NURTURE guess OF CRIMEThe hypothesis of nature versus nurture pertains to the parameter on whether inherent qualities of a biologic organism, which is depicted as nature, is cerebrate or influenced by the experiences, see to it or situation of that particular species (nurture). The model the human universe develop specialised behavioral patterns based on their milieu is termed tabula rasa or blank state.This notion is considered to be a major influence in the development of an individual. These outdoor(a) settings of an individual play a major role in the psychology of an individual, including his anti-social, enmity and woeful behavi or.It has indeed been questioned for some(prenominal) decades whether sinfuls be born or could these particular individuals emerge after consecutive chargets in their lives that result in the variety of a conventionality individual to a vicious.To date, there is much debate e very(prenominal)where the mechanism behind the entire plan of criminality. Biologically or non-biologically influenced, criminality mud an elusive subject that still demand to be comprehensively analyzed.The 19th blow classic report of Phineas Gage regarding the anti-social behavior that emerged after massive damage of the prefrontal cortex of his brain from a stun accident is now considered as the fork over of the field of forensic neurology (Harlow, 1848).Today, computerized imagination of his fractured skull has shown that the autonomic and social nerve systems ar the specific damages that were affected, thus resulting in a totally diametrical individual. Such observation, together with re search results gathered from warfargon veterans, has led to the conclusion that violent criminal behavior is caused by injuries to the frontal lobe of the brain.It has then been proposed that injury to the prefrontal cortex of the brain causes a designer that has been coined as acquired sociopathy or pseudopsychopath (Blair and Cipolotti, 2000). It is liaisoning to know that there is an 11% reduction in the size of the hoar matter of the prefrontal cortex among patients diagnosed with anti-social nature disorder (APD) (Raine et al., 2000).A related to observation has to a fault been discover between intelligence and alterations in the grey matter of the prefrontal cortex.The worldly lobe of the brain has in whatever case been determined to influence an individuals emotional response and aggression, wherein lesions in the amygdale of the temporal lobe result in an individuals failure to deal fear and sadness among the faces of other sight (van Elst et al., 2001).The fede ration between the decreased manifestation of the monoamine oxidase A enzyme and reactive violence has already been established (Caspi et al., 2002).Monoamine oxidase A is responsible for the destructive metabolism of monoamines such as serotonin (5-HT). The operative hypothesis currently accepted is that the prefrontal-amygdala connection is altered, resulting in a dys useable aggressive and violent behavior, resulting in criminality in particular individuals.Earnest A. Hooton (1887 1954) is a passing ac pleaded sensual anthropologist and evolutionist. Much of his work focused on interindividual variations based on physiological and anatomic characteristics, including measurements of buttock-knee lengths as the main derriere for constructing seats for the Pennsylvania railway trains.Hooton was excessively recognised for his opinions in primatology and comparative anatomy as keister for condoneing differences in the human as thoroughly as primate species.He was made i n describing a primary race, of which backside be further subdivided in some(prenominal) racial subtypes. He is a counsellor of the concept of eugenics, which involves genetic selection of traits that ar deemed beneficial to the current tribe.The field of eugenics has been an pursuance in the field of biota and practice of medicine because it facilitates the creation of new haplotypes that may be positively selection in the track down of evolution.Hootons work is overly large to our current scientific concept of aversion because he persistently attempted to shew that criminal have biologically lucid characteristics from non-criminals.His anthropological work on forcible differences based on a people of approximately 13,873 male prison houseers from 10 distinguishable states across the United States. His results strengthened his consume on the biological causes of violence and aggression and that his claimed that criminal behavior is a open re testifyation of an inferior type of human species that has degenerated.Unfortunately, Hooton was inadequate in integrating the concept of population genetics into his research because he haphazardly took 3,023 men from the familiar population to conduct a comparative abbreviation of somatic differences. His measurement of foreheads, eyelids, ears, cheekbones, jaws, chins and shoulders resulted in a confusing supportive evidence for his claim.He explained in one of his published works that biology plays a major role in the development of individuals and society and that the environment is incorrectly blamed for any failure that befalls an individual (Hooton, 1939).The research claim of Hooton had sparked more than childbed into determining the basis behind criminality. some other researchers from unalike fields of specialization ridicules Hootons work, describing it as the comical attempt in defining criminal behavior.The everyday re natural process to Hootons claim that criminals atomic num ber 18 biologically inferior was condemned. Sociologists refused to accept the notion that corporal unattractiveness is strongly correlated to criminal behavior.The sexual climax of eugenics in combination with criminality has sparked interest in designed specialized techniques that may be applied to individuals that show physical and anatomical features that are consistently observed among criminals.An advocate of Hootons concept on the physical basis of criminality would assertively promote selective management of populations in order to regular(a)tually generate a prime standard of individuals in the next generation that is distinct from the features that Hooton described that are strongly correlated with criminality. An advocate of the biological connection of criminality would employ the concept of eugenics in blanket individuals that show a potential to show criminal and anti-social behavior. To catch social occasions more complex, the features that Hooton described ma y also be used as criteria in admission to schools and workhouses.An extreme reaction would even results in construction of facilities that would enclose candidates or suspects for criminal behavior. A biological unlikeness would thus be observed and this cheating(prenominal) basis of screening individuals would create more chaos in society.Eugenics may also be translated as a screening tool in foot uping which criminals give be unbroken in prison and which individuals pass on be freed and this action will be mainly based on the biological features of whether the criminal may be rehabilitated or transformed into a normal non-aggressive person.The so-called degenerate individuals would be kept off the paths in order to balk interaction with non-degenerate individuals, as well as to prevent future offensives in the community. In addition, society would be introduced to the option of rigorously selecting partners for marriage because they will be taught to pick partners that s how obvious physical differences from the consensus physical features of criminals.THE GENERAL THEORY OF CRIMEThe self- fake hypothesis as proposed by Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990) couples an argument regarding the cause force behind criminality and the features of a criminal act. Gottfredson and Hirschi contend that horror is similar to other out of control and improper actions such as alcoholism and grass because it generates in an individual a fugacious yet immediate feeling of gratification.This kindly of action is created by a condition that is characterized by low self-control. The authors claim that the condition of having poor self-control is an innate condition that is set in place during the earlier childhood at rough 7 or 8 years of age. In relation to the mechanism behind criminality, the authors explain that abuse is a straightforward action to results in gratification in an individual.Such light of offensive activity is associated with a number of implicat ions to the familiar supposition of shame. Firstly, the world(a) surmisal of plague presents that crime is an uncomplicated action that does not need any strategic formulation or intricate knowledge.Secondly, the ordinary possible action of crime is related to a number of elements that are take ond in the theory of play activities because just like other uncontrolled acts, crimes are not mean and it is smooth for individuals with low self-esteem to be easily motivated to commit such acts.In addition, criminality is strongly influenced by external factors such as the scarcity of unaffixed targets as well as the figurehead of associates that are capable of helping or even performing a criminal act.The theory of crime by Gottfredson and Hirschi regarding the wee age of 7 or 8 also entails that the longitudinal analysis of crime is not necessary and that age-correlated theories of crime are confusing.The general theory of crime of Gottfredson and Hirschi also considers t he fundamental argument regarding age and the culpable act. It is really different from what is presented at general courses in criminology regarding the analysis of age-crime correlativitys and social factors that are related to crime.A distinction of the general theory of crime of Gottfredson and Hirschi is that the age-crime linkage is very different through clip, location and culture that the age-crime correlation is irrelevant of any social business relationship. Their general theory of crime also describes that criminals carry on to perform unlawful acts of crime even during marriage and eventually end up as unmarried criminals.The alike(p) thing goes with offenders who are currently employedthese individuals principally continue on as offenders and the altogether difference after some term is that they lose their jobs.The general theory of crime of Gottfredson and Hirschi thus presents an argument against the connection of crime with marriage and employment thus vi ewing that a criminal is incompetent in maintaining a relationship in a marriage or a committal to work because he is commonly cognise as person of very low command of his control.Their presentation of the force behind criminality is thus focused on self-control and the authors point out that virtually investigations regarding criminality do not include this concept.The authors explain that near of the concepts on crime describe the possible notions of the criminal. Gottfredson and Hirschi thus turn in a revolutionary concept of crime that describes that the nature of crime is actually straightforward because it easily connects the concept of individuals and their immediate environment.They proposed that or so crimes are easily performed because there is no need for complex preparations. In addition, a criminal act does not actually impart a lot of injurious consequences. They describe that crimes usually pass by late at night or very early in the morning to any individual. There is also no requirement for training or skills to perform a criminal act.The authors also explain the concept that crime does not pay because most criminal acts result in small to negligible benefits. In the cases that do admit any benefits, the criminals tend to fail with the criminal act or they are highly exposed thus resulting in a lot of risks such as being caught and eventually put in jail.The general theory of crime of Gottfredson and Hirschi also present the conditions that make a situation contributing(prenominal) to crime. They describe that routine activities play an grievous factor for a crime to happen because these provide the predictability of the movements and activities of the target individual.Criminals often paper how their target dupe goes near, comes home or leaves the house. If the target individual has a routine schedule that is very predictable, the criminal will have a very easy way to know the best time for him to invade the house of the target victim.The same factors also influence other criminal acts such as rape, wherein the target feminine victim may probably pass through the same route late at night and the criminal may pick a day at that particular time when not so much people at around and he can attack his victim at the particular time when the womanish victim is walking along the street late at night. These settings of predictability of routine activities are actually very beneficial to the criminal and this outweighs the risks of performing the criminal act.Other theories of crime that do not consider these features of crime in general analyze other factors that are not consistent with the empirical information nearly crime (Walker, 2001). The other theories actually claim the each crime has a different force that pushes the criminal to perform such unlawful act.In addition, other theories state that unassailable knowledge and training are undeniable in order for a criminal to successfully perform a crime. The general theory of crime of Gottfredson and Hirschi thus provides a simple yet comprehensible explanation of the force behind criminality.SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES OF CRIMEThere are several sociological theories in the field of criminology. The brotherly Control scheme explains that the utilization of the acculturation procedure and social learning results in self-control and decreases the chances that an individual will go for to an anti-social type of behavior.This theory was strongly address by Travis Hirschi and it follows the Positivist, Neo-Classical and Right Realism schools of mind (Akers, 2000). This theory resulted from the Functionalist concepts of crime and suggests that there are four modes of control.The first mode of control is direct, which pertains to imminent punishment based on unlawful action. This mode of control is also associated with rewards in the case the compliance of the individual is observed.The second mode of control is indirect, which pertains to desistance in performing unlawful acts due to his conscience. some other mode of control is internal, which is related to self-identification of iniquity and its associated pain and disappointment to the people around the individual.A fourth type of control is satisfaction, wherein an individual will not perform an wretched act if he is content with his current conditions. indeed the Social Control Theory suggests that individuals will not perform any criminal act if their relationships, value and beliefs are intact.The Strain Theory of criminology explains that the society and its related levels and sublevels persuade individuals to perform criminal acts (Agnew, 1992). This theory was proposed by Emile Durkheim and was further supported by Merton, Cohen and Messner and Rosenfeld. It has been determined that progress to may be of two levels.Structural turn over pertains to the processes in society that influence an individuals erudition of his needs. On the other hand, indivi dual strain pertains to the hostility and suffering that an individual experiences during his search for things that will make him happy. Hence the strain theories present the connection between morphologic and functional bases for criminal actions.The structural basis for criminality explains the processes behind actions, as well as finding an event with a bigger concept of sites, distances and associations. The functional basis for criminality explains how independent characters fit and result as a bigger system. Hence all systems are influenced by sections that join with each other and that any encumbrance that occurs in a particular section will result in a failure of the entire system.This means that either a replacement or a repair should be performed in order to make a system functional again.